
Sunday, February 24, 2013

29 Weeks Down, 10 More To Go!

How Far Along? 29 Weeks, 6 Days

Size of Baby: A little over 3 pounds! He's the size of a butternut squash.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: +1 pound... no change this week.

Maternity Clothes: Yep! Bought a new pair of jeans yesterday for my upcoming maternity photo shoot... very excited!
 Gender: Baby boy!

Movement: Wowzers... this boy has some STRENGTH! His kicks and punches are getting more and more powerful by the day. My belly will completely jolt to the left or right, depending on which side he's kicking at the time. It's crazy to watch! I try to catch it on video, but as soon as I get my camera ready he gets still. Love his sense of humor ;-) He's so much fun to interact with. I will tap on my belly a couple of times in a certain spot, and a few seconds later I will get a love tap back from my baby boy. He's becoming a lot more active at night too. I fall asleep each night (usually on my left side) with my hand wrapped around the bottom side of my belly, feeling him move all around. He hasn't woken me up with his kicks yet, but he's usually wide awake when my alarm goes off.

What I miss: I have officially been diagnosed with gestational diabetes.  I have started tracking my blood sugar levels with a glucometer, and watching the number of carbs I have at a given meal/snack is super important now. No more candy, no more sweet tea, no more unnecessary sugar in my diet. While I do miss some of those things that I have been craving throughout my pregnancy, I will glady give it up if it means a healthier baby boy in a few weeks! On a side note, this is what my hand looked like after the pharmacist and I spent 20 minutes trying to figure out how to work my glucometer... ouch!

Cravings: Haven't really had any strong cravings this week. It's been an emotionally-trying week as I am learning to cope with the gestational diabetes, and I just haven't had the appetite that I had before.

Symptoms: Well, my bathroom sink has taken on the appearance of a crime scene when I brush my teeth... holy bleeding gums! Should get better after I have my baby boy.

Best Moment This Week: I had a few! First of all, I got my hair done on Tuesday night with my cousin Beth and there's just something about 'fresh hair' that makes you feel 10 times better about yourself.
Secondly, I found out last night that I'm going to have a niece in July!!! More details about the gender reveal at my brother and sister-in-law's house coming soon ;-)
Looking Forward To: My 30 week appointment tomorrow evening, part-one of my maternity photo shoot Thursday night, and my 3D/4D ultrasound with our families on Saturday night! Lots of fun things to look forward to in the upcoming week. :-)

A message from the baby:
29 Weeks Pregnant:

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